Garden - forest school (update)


Forest School is a child focused learning process that helps in a way through play and exploration (Forest School Association, 2021). My design will have a forest that will be located to the right side of the school next to the garden 

The aim of the forest school and the garden will be to create a connexion to nature for children to appreciate nature and to educate them to be environmentally conscious. 

The garden will be there to grow seasonal fruits and vegetables so that it can be used in the kitchen to provide children with healthy food that they will grow themselves and this will help them to be aware of the benefit of nature and how to protect it from a young age. It will help them to learn by doing and will help them grow responsible 

Having a garden in the school can also serve to teach the children about science and art 


Forest School Association (2021). What is Forest School? [online] Forest School Association. Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2024].


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