Research: Unterdorf Elementary School (update)


Unterdorf Elementary School is an elementary and middle school. It is located in Bregenz in Austria and was made by the architecture firm Dietrich

The school is made of wooden structure just like my design. I am using using wood specifically white oak because it is the symbol of Connecticut state and it is accessible and durable which will make the building last long and still be in good shape because this material is also resistant when it is used outside

The lounge has high ceiling in the form of a pyramid which makes natural light come in (Pintos, 2021) and this can attract children to the area so they can be together and enjoy each others company. The Unterdorf Elementary School has an outdoor garden which helps to integrate nature to the school and provide children with a green area. In my design I also have a garden in which each children will have two meter squared where they will be able to grow plants and food that will be used in the kitchen to teach them about ecology from a young age and this serves also for sustainability


Pintos, P. (2021). Unterdorf Elementary School / Dietrich | Untertrifaller Architekten. [online] ArchDaily. Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2024].


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